Friday, September 12, 2008

"open your eyes and see the inevitable mark of history"

Taken from

Looks like things are heating up in San Paulo...

Last week a group of 30 Pixadores stormed the Choque Cultural Gallery in protest against the "marketing, institutionalization and domestication of Street Art" by the gallerys and media. Paintings by Gerald Laing, Speto, Titi Freak and others were tagged by the Pixadores.

The whole thing was organized by a black and white flyer:

With slogans that proclaimed "Open your eyes and see the inevitable mark of history", the action at the Faculty sounds very performance like and attempted to awaken the viewers to the exclusivity and economic realities of the institutions. The recent action called "ATTACK PART 2 : A CAMINHO DA REVOLUÇÃO 2008"

As one writer told us - "A war between the Pixadores and the Graffiti Writers is about to explode in São Paulo..."

this is what the Gallery had to say...

pena que o protesto contra a 'comercialização, institucionalização e domesticação da cultura de rua' tenha focado em galeristas e não publicitários, marcas de tênis, roupa de grife, festivais, refrigerantes, e outros que fazem a tal 'cultura de rua' virar modismo, commodities, sinônimo de produto pseudo moderninho.

"unfortunate that the protest against 'marketing, institutionalization and domestication of the culture of street' has focused on galleries and not advertising, brands of shoes, clothes, grife, festivals, soft drinks, and others who make such a 'culture of street' fashion, turn commodities, synonymous with pseudo moderninho(?) product"


i guess there was about $10,000 - $15,000 in damage...

crazy...i just wanted to share...

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