Wednesday, November 28, 2012


 - it's been almost 6 month since my last post on this friend tried convincing me to start up another new tumblr website (closed my old tumblr account), and while creating an account and trying to start a new blog, I realized I should just keep this one going. It's been about 6 Years since my first post on this blog. Looking back at it all brings in a lot of memories. It excites me to see the growth and changes I have made with myself being and becoming an Artist, and look forward to what else may come from it all. This is just the beginning. 

some recent Tattoos and Paintings i have done...

Tattooed my Space Girl! this tattoo was fun!

WolfMan Tattoo on a client! another fun one!

Owl Tattoo. another fun one!!!

Day of the Dead Gypsy Girl on a client. 

Recent Painting, Started a Big Flash Sheet 18 x 22
 Weird Style Tiger on the same sheet. 

This tattoo design was a re-draw from the Brother Greg Flash Book!
walk-ins are useually never this sweet! 

did this WU tattoo, on November 13 in tribute to O.D.B.'s passing 8 Years ago. 

Shirt Design and Painting for Straightedge Barber Shop in Vista! 
these guys keep me looking dapper. so I always try hookin em up!

Thank You!

- hopefully it wont be too long before the next post. 

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