Friday, September 26, 2008

we've only just begun...

and just when i thought the thinking stopped.
avid bass dropper, how was your day?
do you feel better?
why do i even ask...when i already know the answer?
i've lost it.
the heavy hand. makes me charming.
Jin attacks like a 30 hit combo move.
you know..."the Blodia Vulcan"
you fucking button masher...

its the only way you can beat me.
but it works everytime.

flowers for insomniacs

short term anxiety.
sleep.walking cynical.
train of thought which never rest
upon the individual. to close his eyes.
rest his mind.
in remembrance if what was left,
an ode, to "sacrifice"
scribble. thoughts on scraps. lines for self. existence
peddling persistence mind state
through blank. space
he felt resistence.
decadent thoughts which seem to pass on grass
to stay consistent.
the melody of mixture.
rhythm. to response.
April left with silence *
leaving flowers nonchalant
upon the grave of cre.a.tiv.ity.
left lying as he...sleeps.
an end.less winter for the steady hand, and brain,

i got a pocket filled with daphodiles,
the other is filled with matches.
we'll strike the box and burn dead leave
just to see what happins...
we'll kiss the night goodbye
we'll raise a toast towards steady actions...
leaving flowers on the graves to those who never sleep...



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